Human Resources


Retention Strategies

Will your employees stay?

Many organizations are grappling with the issue of how to build, maintain and retain intellectual capital. Some of the biggest changes in the increasingly fragmented job landscape are the shifts in employee attitudes. Loyalty to the employer is becoming a thing of the past and many organizations are urgently reviewing ways of securing the commitment of people whom they do not want to loose. However, retention problems are usually a symptom of other things going wrong in an organization.

Joachim & Associates can assist your organization through the development of retention strategies by analyzing turnover statistics of business units, department or team. Our retention strategies would take into account the particular retention issues your organization is facing, and determine ways in which these issues can be dealt with. Moreover, our strategies will have a more strategic approach which put efforts into prevention, rather than crisis management. It would involve a risk analysis of the target group. J&A can also provide a retention plan which would propose actions to focus on each of the areas which falls into the "danger zone".

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