Phone: +1 (784) 457-2797
Mobile: +1 (784) 528-8518
Fax: 784-485-6455
P.O. Box 170
Murray's Road
St. Vincent & the Grenadines - West Indies
Mobile: +1 (784) 528-8518
Fax: 784-485-6455
P.O. Box 170
Murray's Road
St. Vincent & the Grenadines - West Indies
Contact Form
What our clients say

We note that the report is very comprehensive, with clear recommendations based on the Terms of Reference for the conduct of the analysis ( Alternative Sustainable Livelihoods – Tobago Cays Marine Parks).The unit is very satisfied with the outcome and analysis and wishes to congratulate you on a job well done.
Keith Nicholls
Head Environment Sustainable Development Unit – OECS
Head Environment Sustainable Development Unit – OECS

Mrs. Joachim is an experienced and seasoned professional who is effective. Inter alia, she is meticulous and motivated. Her approach to the project (performance management and Compensation Systems) was well planned and actual work was smoothly executed. Her commitment and drive for excellence was impressive. In an effort to meet our needs and to deliver superior service, Mrs. Joachim demonstrated innovation, flexibility and was willing to incorporate changes which were not previously anticipated.
Mr. Clement Lynch
Kingstown Cooperative Credit Union
Kingstown Cooperative Credit Union

We are very pleased with the quality of work supplied and the professionalism of the consultants, who conducted the management audit, and training needs analysis and attendant training plan.
Clare Keizer
Chief Executive Officer – Interactive Media Ltd
Publishers of Searchlight Newspaper
Chief Executive Officer – Interactive Media Ltd
Publishers of Searchlight Newspaper

Mrs Suzanne Joachim is a very competent, dedicated, focused professional, as evidenced while she assisted in conducting onsite organizational readiness assessments (personal and organizational) for the implementation of Knowledge Management within the Public Sector in Barbados. In doing so, she took an intensely objective view of the Ministries, Departments and Agencies’ (MDAs), critically assessing capacity and practices –providing a baseline assessment of current human capacity and needs for leveraging the knowledge assets within the Public Sector and for deciding on an appropriate organizational structure to facilitate the “Design, Development, Delivery and Implementation strategy and Action Plan for a Knowledge Management System in Barbados”. Suzanne also displayed a high level of proficiency as a Facilitator during workshops, in developing competency profiles and corporate training plans
Yacine Khelladi
Team Leader – Knowledge Management Barbados
Team Leader – Knowledge Management Barbados

Grenada Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) engaged Joachim & Associates (J&A) to perform an interim review and audit of our Performance Management System. Subsequently, J&A developed a comprehensive Compensation Plan and conducted an Organizational Assessment.
Mrs. Suzanne Joachim, the principal practitioner of Joachim and Associates, extended herself beyond the terms of her remit, and displayed a dedication and commitment to each assignment, even when it was outside the terms of reference. We found her work to be probative, targeted, and analytical, with a meticulous attention to detail.
Mrs. Suzanne Joachim, the principal practitioner of Joachim and Associates, extended herself beyond the terms of her remit, and displayed a dedication and commitment to each assignment, even when it was outside the terms of reference. We found her work to be probative, targeted, and analytical, with a meticulous attention to detail.
Leslie Ann Seon
Grenada Industrial Development Corporation
Grenada Industrial Development Corporation

She is a dedicated and focused professional who is excellent at getting results and her skills cover a range of areas. Apart from her excellent management and human resource development expertise, she is very good at communications and advocacy; and she has exceptional inter-personal skills. She is very much used to meeting impossible deadlines and working effectively to make things happen even when the conditions are sub-optimal. Furthermore, she is very capable of using her own initiative and taking charge as well as working in a team.
Ramesh Chaitoo
Lead Consultant
Lead Consultant